Everything under control: goods management with maximum ease
Caserta Logistics Center
81024 - Maddaloni
Torino Logistics Center
10098 - Rivoli (TO)
Anagni Logistics Center
03012 - Anagni (FR)
Lodi Logistics Center
26863 - Orio Litta
Roma Logistics Center
00012 - Guidonia Montecelio (RM)
SUSA logistics centers allow us to manage our customers' logistics with flexibility and organization. Constant compliance with operating procedures, storage in the warehouse, and subsequent monitoring of shipping times are the core of our activity, guaranteed also thanks to our advanced computer system.
To deliver our promise to be a
reliable and useful partner to our customers, we can interface your warehouse
management software with our control systems. We deal with both inbound and
outbound logistics, as well as other services related to the control of goods,
such as: management of lots, deadlines, F.I.F.O./F.E.F.O, cyclical and physical
inventories, and much more.