
An IT system links all our branch offices in real-time.

SUSA s.p.A. Information system is based on Iwo IBM iSeries configured for high availability with MIMIX ®.

Machines are completely redundant, to reduce risk of service interruption due to hardware failure.

The whole structure is connected via MPLS Telecom network to the data processing center of Perugia using DSL technology and each branch has ADSL and ISDN emergency line.

Internet access and Web services are protected by WatchGuard Firewall.

Any branch platform is equipped Wi-Fi access points that enables the use of radio frequency scanners to monitor logistic activities. The warehouses are  anaged using over 400 Barcode readers.

The distribution fleet is equipped with 650 handhelds terminai, which transmit deliveries data in real time, via GPRS, lo certify delivery to the reciplent.

With GPS tecnology also will be able to geolocalize shipments immediately.